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The Poco a Poco Podcast with the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal

Apr 28, 2021

You crave conversion and real change; to receive the healing and hope that God wants to give you. How does that lasting, long-term change happen?


It happens when we accept some truth or let go of some lie. Each step forms our will, either strengthening it or weakening it. And the stronger our will, the more we’ll be...

Apr 21, 2021

We’re all really interested in what God can do for us; the healing, the restoration, the gifts of the Father. Are we as interested in committing to the long term relationship that allows us to receive all of that?


It’s all too easy to spend the inheritance while overlooking the relationship.


As sons and...

Apr 14, 2021

St Francis is the rich young man who didn’t turn away sad. God invited St Francis, and his response was even more than his heart burning for the Lord — he was consumed. There was no going back. 


He became more like Jesus, but without being less like Francis. He became more like Francis; not losing himself in God,...

Apr 7, 2021

We have a God who’s always on the move, always pursuing. In our busyness, we’re distracted — we miss things. We miss people. But God is constantly seeking, constantly encountering what is broken and seeing the wholeness.


Christianity is different: it’s about God becoming Man and coming to us.


He’s looking...