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The Poco a Poco Podcast with the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal

May 26, 2021

VIDEO now available! Watch on Spirit Juice’s YouTube channel at


We have some pretty strong feelings on this topic… and it shows in this week’s episode.


The most important thing you’ll bring to your vocation—whether that’s religious life or family life—is your...

May 19, 2021

Now with video! WATCH the podcast on Spirit Juice's YouTube channel at


Discipleship is a team sport. Family—both through our natural families, and our supernatural family through baptism—and communion with others is an essential ingredient to the Christian life.



May 12, 2021

Now with VIDEO! Watch this episode on Spirit Juice's YouTube channel at


It’s key to commit to prayer; to schedule it and keep honor it through intention and discipline. But, then, how do we maintain prayer as an intimate relationship and not let it become a routine?



May 5, 2021

Now with VIDEO! Watch this episode on Spirit Juice's YouTube channel at


Do you know anybody who wants to work out *every* time? Unlikely. But nobody who gets in that workout says afterwards, “That was a waste of time. Why’d I bother?”


Even more with prayer. When...