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The Poco a Poco Podcast with the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal

Nov 24, 2021

First Week of Advent


The lived experience of most people is: life is hard. We’re still in this valley of tears. We live it, but might not be relating it in a way that’s helpful… we just drag it around.


Enter: Advent. A season of hope and of promises fulfilled. Expectant hope, with confidence that the Lord is...

Nov 17, 2021

A series on King David: Part 4 of 4

Are we good at repenting? When someone notices our stuff and points it out… are we open to it? To repenting wholeheartedly? Or do we hold onto it?

We need help repenting and finding healing, so God constantly sends prophets to speak into the lives of his chosen people. David’s a...

Nov 10, 2021

A series on King David: Part 3 of 4


David sinned when he wasn’t doing what he was supposed to be doing; when he had pulled back from God’s calling. We have to be careful of comfort and of being distracted, because it leads to a place of being unfaithful. Instead, we have to keep moving forward in God’s will,...

Nov 3, 2021

A series on King David: Part 2 of 4


David is tender to his sheep, and also willing to fight for them. And he’ll be the same in his future vocation—the way that he was shepherd is the way he will be king. As he fights Goliath, he reveals something to us about the heart of God: God will go to battle against our...